Built around a dissonant chord transition that we were jamming to one week, this piece came together quite quickly on a hot summer day. A soft Latin feel to the drum track and layers of soft electric and acoustic guitars. electric piano and a walking bass line made for a great backdrop for some sax and brass melody lines played on the keyboard, accented with some electric guitar improv breaks.
Tag Archives: jazzy
Dreaming All Day
This progression is a lot of fun to play over, a recurring altered chord progression using lots of picked open strings and variations of Am/G/F. I found myself getting onto a bit of a trance while playing it, so a recurring melody theme and the name seemed to fit.
Come on in, the water’s fine
The first new piece I wrote in the fall of 2007 after a few months of stifled creativity, brought on by life change and uncertainty. I likened the experience to standing on top of a cliff looking at the water below, knowing you want to make the leap but lacking the courage to do so. After finally mustering up the gusto and enjoying the freefall, calling up to those still waiting at the top. It’s free form improv over an interesting altered chord progression with three different (tonally) guitar parts sharing the melody. We’ve had a few great Tuesday jams to the progression.
Wind Chime Serenade
I wrote this song with the feel of a Caribbean night, wind chimes tingling, and the breeze of the ocean blowing on the porch.
The idea for this piece came out of one of our regular weekly jams in November, 2006. I was playing this melody line and really liked the ethereal, dreamy feel of it, so went home and recorded a tune based on it.