
I don’t ever remember not having music in my life, from the time I first started to play the cello in the early 70’s when I was 5. I bought my first guitar on my 10th birthday and it soon became my favourite instrument, and something that really was a key part of my being through my teens. A successful career as a chef and raising a young family took me away from playing much for about 15 years, and then in about 2004 or 2005 I finally had a bit of free time to dedicate to shaking off the rust.

I set up a small home studio in 2006 and began to record a whole bunch of pent up ideas, some going back to the mid-80’s. Now I play in a jam band with a bunch of really great musicians, record at home whenever I have an idea that I want to explore, and more than anything am really enjoying writing and playing music for no other reason than my own enjoyment and a need to create.

The freedom that comes from being able to undertake an artistic endeavour without ever thinking about its commercial value is HUGE, and so the music here is exactly that – ideas I feel like exploring and am satisfied enough with to share. Not always perfect or polished, sometimes experiments in capturing a single point on time or emotional experience, or even just experiments.

I share these freely, so please listen, download, and share as you like.

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This is Vancouver Chef and Musician Dennis Green's webspace