New look, New Year

Well, after being very remiss about maintaining my web presence, I have decided to start the year by totally reworking my site and upgrading it to the latest version of WordPress, along with the vast improvements in widgets and social media connectivity that have taken place over the last 5 years. Please have a poke around and the current stuff here, and I will be adding plenty of new content soon.

What’s been going on with me? Still working hard on the training initiatives with go2, which is very rewarding work. I have joined the board of the BC Chefs’ Association, to stay more connected to our industry provincially and nationally, and also have been very involved with the Potluck Cafe Society, where I am currently co-chair of their board. They are a wonderful organization providing employment and on the job training in the Downtown Eastside, through the operation of a successful catering business and small cafe on Hastings.

I’ve also been playing a lot of music with my jam band, which we share via our own web page, under the name The Mine Project. I haven’t been doing as much home recording since we record a full album’s worth of material every week at the studio, but have promised myself I’ll be doing more of that as well. In anticipation of dedicating a bit more time to writing music, I have spent some time rebuilding my music site as well as this one. It can be found at

And for food writing? Lots of ideas bottled up, and have decided that I’d rather focus on sharing my knowledge, ideas and some interesting stories from over the years rather than maintaining a continual ticker tape of what I’m eating, so will begin to capture those and post them here VERY soon.

Happy New Year


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